
gnuplot can clip data points and lines that are near the boundaries of a graph.


     set clip <clip-type>
     set noclip <clip-type>
     show clip

Three clip types are supported by gnuplot: points, one, and two. One, two, or all three clip types may be active for a single graph.

The points clip type forces gnuplot to clip (actually, not plot at all) data points that fall within but too close to the boundaries. This is done so that large symbols used for points will not extend outside the boundary lines. Without clipping points near the boundaries, the plot may look bad. Adjusting the x and y ranges may give similar results.

Setting the one clip type causes gnuplot to draw a line segment which has only one of its two endpoints within the graph. Only the in-range portion of the line is drawn. The alternative is to not draw any portion of the line segment.

Some lines may have both endpoints out of range, but pass through the graph. Setting the two clip-type allows the visible portion of these lines to be drawn.

In no case is a line drawn outside the graph.

The defaults are noclip points, clip one, and noclip two.

To check the state of all forms of clipping, use

     show clip

For backward compatibility with older versions, the following forms are also permitted:

     set clip
     set noclip

set clip is synonymous with set clip points; set noclip turns off all three types of clipping.